Live Updates On Coronavirus In Colorado, Impact On Casinos

Written By Taylor Osieczanek on 03/16/2020Last Updated on February 10, 2021
Colorado casino close

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused havoc in the sports sector, which has had a significant effect on the casino industry and sports wagering. Colorado casinos have been told to close as of March 17th, powerful immediately.

Keep checking back with PlayinСolorado as we update this post as fresh details become available.

Costs for Black Hawk games have been reduced as of March 19 andmdash.

According to a report from&;;the city of Black Hawk is waiving nearly $700,000 in fees from casinos to lessen the hardship faced from the current 30-day shutdown.&;

Casinos closing down on March 17 & ndash

On Monday in the late evening, Colorado Gov. For the next 30 days, Jared Polis ordered bars, restaurants, and other larger meeting spots to close across the state. According to the order, all Colorado games did close on Tuesday at 8 a.m. & ,

When it’s safe, we want to celebrate in bars and clubs, according to & . We want to go out to eat. According to Polis during his press conference on Monday, that day is not today, it & , snot tomorrow, not likely to be next week or the week after, andrdquo.

Ameristar announced they plan to pay their nearly 800 team members their wagers and benefits through the end of March. They also will be donating perishable food times to local food banks.&;

The lodge at Lady Luck Casino is still open for business, and take-out requests are accepted at Dash Cafe.

Gov. was even supported by Mardi Gras. During the closure, it will, & , work diligently to implement additional protective measures for our customers upon reopening, according to the decision of Polis & . & rdquo,

Polis stressed,” We are saving lives, and we are minimizing the medium – to long-term economic damage to businesses and workers in our state ,” despite the fact that he is aware of the pressure these measures will put on businesses all over the state. & rdquo,

First cancellation on March 11 at 10 p.m. & mdash

games like Golden Gates, Golden Gulch, and Mardi Gras

The March Colorado Poker Championship Spring Series was postponed due to COVID-19 issues. It was expected to last from March 12 through April 1. The casinos are optimistic that the upcoming occasion, which is scheduled for May, will go as planned. The games may even try to add special occasions in April and June, depending on how things turn out.

a week ago

The majority of Colorado’s casinos are operating as normal as of noon on March 15, though many have made statements about increased public safety measures:

Owner of 41 properties in the county, including the Ameristar, Penn National Gaming is & and is seeking advice from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC ) as well as state and local public health authorities. & rdquo,

Century — Century Casinos&; general manager Daniel Hedges releases a statement saying their&;properties across North America are &;analyzing the developments and information provided by health agencies” and that COVID-19 is a &;top priority for us.”

Dostal Alley & mdash, the company’s representatives, stated in a Facebook post that they would continue to operate. will take extra precautions going forwards( frequent cleaning, washing, and extra finger washing ).

According to a statement posted at the bottom of its pages, Double Eagle & mdash, like many other games, is reminding people to wash their hands and clean high-touch areas more frequently.

Eldorado Resorts, the owner of Isle Casino and Lady Luck Casino & mdash, will closely monitor and analyze improvements and comments from local, national, and international health organizations. The Eldorado attributes may follow their commands, which are based on facts and medical science, according to the statement. & rdquo,

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Osieczanek, Taylor

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